Our company lives at the intersection of two culinary wisdom traditions:
tea production and fermentation.

Both practices have a lineage which extends deep into prehistory, and both
represent an innately symbiotic relationship between humans and their surroundings.

In bringing them together, we have a class of non-alcoholic
fermented beverages that defies the term “kombucha.”

Unlike most people fermenting tea, we believe that tea is #1.
We use the chemistry of kombucha fermentation to unpack and translate
tea into a novel context. In doing so, we’re happy to offer a
non alcoholic offering that sits comfortably in stemware.

With more and more people seeking to reduce alcohol in their lifestyle,
or just hoping to get a more pain-free wind-down in their day,
we find ourselves in the middle of a movement to drink better – 
and we’re happy to help :)

Thank you for your interest in what we do!
Oh yeah, and tea is just the beginning…


the Unified Team

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